Saturday, November 6, 2010

Operation: Hear Me Roar

Aren't they suppose to send you a rejection letter?  I'd be fine with a standard letter saying thanks for applying, but we don't want you.  But not even acknowledging me?  Not cool.  At all.

I'm not the kind of girl who is cool with being ignored.  No, I'm the "Why hello! Hear me roar!" kind of girl.  I fight for what I want.

So I asked myself why I wasn't fighting for these jobs.  The jobs I should get because business is slow.  The jobs that would be amazing because it was a stable income.

But it wasn't until tonight that I asked myself why I wasn't fighting for my business.

Somewhere in the craziness of life, I think I forgot.  Forgot that I'm not powerless because there isn't enough in my bank account.  I'm not powerless because the economy sucks.

On the contrary, I'm the only person in the world who can make this business work.  And I refuse to let excuses get in my way.  It simply means I'll have to get more creative.  It's nothing more than a challenge.  And I can handle a challenge.  Challenges are nothing more than puzzles and I can figure out puzzles!  

I have dreams and I'm too young and stubborn to let a stupid thing like the economy get in my way.  I refuse to be held back by such a stupid excuse.  I want to be able to live off of my photography business.  And I want to start a non profit business.  And at least 2 more for profit businesses.

But for now, my goal is to be able to live off of my photography business by this time next year.  Yes, let's just start there.        

So my first plan of action for Operation: Hear Me Roar will be to network like crazy.  I'm looking for groups, monthly meetings, and networking parties!  I love meeting people and hearing their stories.  And basically the only expenses are business cards.  I can afford business cards. :)


  1. With that heart and attitude, you will do it!!

  2. Thanks for the support Annie!! I hope you and your family are doing well!!
