Thursday, March 18, 2010

Destination Truth and The Creepiest Thing I've Ever Seen......Ever.

Thank you Destination Truth! I now won't be able to sleep ever.....again.

So if you don't know what Destination Truth is, it is this show where they take a team out to search for all those crazy myths and monsters you hear about growing up. Like leprechauns and big foot and anything else you can think of!!!

It really is an entertaining show!! And one of the guys on there, Josh, is hysterical!

But can I just say, there is not enough money in the world for me to work on that show!!!

They do some crazy stuff!

One of the creepiest episodes I've ever seen is the one with the Island of the Dolls (Warning!! Do not hit that link, unless you are brave or stupid! Either will work.), which is in Mexico.

This island is just wrong on sooo many levels! It is really the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

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